Peer-reviewed articles

Oral presentations

  • NASA Venus Seminar - [Online, 05/04/2023] - Invited oral presentation "The Rifting process on Venus: Insights from Numerical Modeling" - Regorda A., Thieulot C., van Zelst I., Erdos Z., Maia J. & Buiter S.
  • Réunion des Sciences de la Terre Annual congress - [Lyon, 01/11/2021-05/11/2021] - "How many subductions in the Variscan orogeny? Insights from numerical models" - Regorda A., Lardeaux J.-M., Roda M., Marotta A.M. & Spalla M.I.
  • SGI Annual congress - [Online, 14/09/2021-16/09/2021] - "Metamorphic P-T conditions characteristic of subduction/collision systems: insights from 2D numerical models" - Regorda A., Spalla M.I., Roda M., Lardeaux J.-M. & Marotta A.M.
  • GNGTS Annual congress - [Rome, 12/11/2019-14/11/2019] - "How many subductions in the Variscan orogeny? Insights from numerical models" - Regorda A., Lardeaux J.-M., Roda M., Marotta A.M. & Spalla M.I.
  • AGU Fall Meeting - [San Francisco, 14/12/2015-18/12/2015] - "New insights into the dynamics of wedge areas from a 2D numerical study of the effects of shear heating and mantle hydration on an ocean-continent subduction system" - Roda M., Regorda A., Marotta A.M. & Spalla M.I.
  • GIGS Annual meeting - [Catania, 30/09/2015] - "2D numerical model of an ocean/continent subduction system: examples from the Variscan crust" - Regorda A., Marotta A.M., Roda M., Lardeaux J.M. & Spalla M.I.
  • Variscan 2015 - [Rennes, 09/06/2015-11/06/2015] - "Effects of mantle hydration and viscous heating on the dynamics of mantle wedge in a subduction system: differences and similarities of 2D model predictions with examples from the Variscan crust" - Regorda A., Marotta A.M., Roda M., Lardeaux J.M. & Spalla M.I.
  • SGI-SIMP Annual congress - [Milan, 10/09/2014-12/09/2014] - "2D numerical study of the effects of mantle hydration and viscous heating on the dynamics of the wedge area within an ocean/continent subduction complex: the case study of Variscan crust in the Alpine domain" - Regorda A., Marotta A.M., Spalla M.I., Roda M. & Rebay G.
  • GIGS Annual meeting - [Milan, 28/10/2013-29/10/2013] - "Numerical modelling of an ocean/continent subduction and comparison with Variscan orogeny real data" - Regorda A., Marotta A.M. & Spalla M.I.


  • Ada Lovelace Workshop - [Sète, 01/09/2024-06/09/2024] - "Thermal effects of microcontinents subduction: insight from 2D numerical models" - Regorda A. & Roda M.
  • CRUST Plenary Workshop - [Chieti, 23/06/2024-25/06/2024] - "2D numerical simulations of micro-continents collision in ocean-continent subduction systems" - Regorda A. & Roda M.
  • Geomod - [Paris, 26/09/2023-28/09/2023] - "2D numerical simulations of micro-continents collision in ocean-continent subduction systems" - Regorda A. & Roda M.
  • GNGTS Annual congress - [Trieste, 27/06/2022-29/06/2022] - "Parametric study of the effects of micro-continents collision in a oceanic subduction systems by 2D numerical simulations" - Regorda A., Roda M. & Thieulot C.
  • GNGTS Annual congress - [Online, 22/06/2021-24/06/2021] - "Metamorphic and deformation patterns produced during an oceanic subduction: insights from 2D numerical models" - Regorda A., Spalla M.I., Roda M., Lardeaux J.-M. & Marotta A.M.
  • SGI-SIMP-SOGEI Annual congress - [Parma, 16/09/2019-19/09/2019] - "How many subductions in the Variscan orogeny? Insights from numerical models" - Regorda A., Lardeaux J.-M., Roda M., Marotta A.M. & Spalla M.I.
  • EGU General assembly - [Wien, 28/04/2014-02/05/2014] - "Numerical modelling of an ocean/continent subduction and comparison with Variscan orogeny real data" - Marotta A.M., Regorda A., Spalla M.I., Roda M. & Rebay G.